The Most Worshipful King George Grand Lodge was incorporated  May of 1924 by Rev. Paul S. Noble, Morgan City, La. (M.W. Grand Master); and Rev. G. T. Hudson, New Orleans, La. (Grand Secretary).  Our Grand Lodge promotes a forward vision of fraternal love and affection as well as making an impact in our local communities through volunteer and municipal projects. 

Our Grand lodge domicile is located in New Orleans, Louisiana on the productive Tulane Avenue Thoroughfare. We have enjoyed the success of  thirteen Grand Masters with each one bringing progress to the Order and instilled a legacy in our organization.

Our Fifteenth Grand Master is  the Ill. CarRon Cooper, 33˚ (Past Worshipful Master of King Solomom #53). With a focus on strengthened brotherhood, improved organization, and responsible Grand Lodge growth, our organization plans to take great strides in the right direction.

For more information our Grand lodge please Contact Us